The second part in the series about machining titanium focuses on turning and milling of titanium and the considerations needed in each case to ensure successful machining. Take a look at the general points of consideration for the machining of titanium that apply for all types of titanium handling.
What is Turning
As an over view to the process of turning is the machining process where the work-piece is rotated and a cutting tool applied linearly during the rotation. The creation of the external surface is referred to as the turning process whereas the generation of the same process to create an internal surface is known as boring and the two processes go hand in hand.
Most turning processes are automated and make use of a lathe which is controlled by CNC thus reducing the need for an operator and reducing operator error.
Turning Titanium Metal
Turning titanium both Commercially Pure titanium and the Titanium Alloys is relatively straight forward and one of most straight forward forms of machining titanium. It is recommended that when turning that Carbide tools are used if possible for both turning and boring to ensure production rates are high and the tool life is extended as much as possible. If high speed steel are to be used then it is suggested that super high speed steels are used instead. The tool should not be deflected and a cutting fluid should be applied at the cutting surface generously. As titanium will often size with a dead centre then live centres should be used.
To summarise the key points to remember when turning titanium
- Use Carbide Tools
- If you have to use steel use super high speed steel
- Avoid tool deflection
- Apply cutting fluid heavily
In the next article in the series we will be looking at the process of Milling and the considerations to be made will milling titanium. We hope you found this article useful. Please feel free to comment and get in contact with us for all your titanium machining requirements.