What Are Titanium Fasteners Used For?

What is titanium?

Denoted by the chemical symbol Ti, titanium is a transition metal that is silver-gray in color and popular for being lightweight. It has the following properties:

  • atomic number 22
  • atomic weight 47.90
  • density 4510 kg/m 3
  • melting point 1,667°C (or 3,032°F)
  • boiling point 3,287°C (or 5,948°F) 

Making up approximately 0.62% of the earth’s crust, titanium is the fourth most abundant metal on the planet. It rarely exists in its pure form and is usually found in minerals like sphene, leucoxene, brookite, rutile, ilmenite, and perovskite.

titanium fasteners

How are titanium fasteners made? 

The first step in the manufacture of titanium fasteners is to obtain titanium from the natural ores found on earth. Then, titanium undergoes a series of process that include the following:

  • Extraction
  • Purification
  • Production of a porous metal known as a sponge
  • Creation of alloys 

The final step is the fabrication of titanium into different products, such as titanium fasteners, and formed into different lengths, widths, shapes, and other measurements.

Where are titanium fasteners commonly used? 

Titanium fasteners are used to hold different parts of a system together. They come in different grades, thread types, lengths, grip or no grip, head types, and coatings.

There are many industries that utilize fasteners for the manufacture of their products. Some of these are the sailing, biking, and motorsports fields. They need high quality, sturdy, and strong titanium fasteners to ensure excellent performance.

Automobiles and motorcycles used in road racing, motocross, drag racing, and other similar activities need bolts, nuts, and screws that exceed 120,000 psi for its Ultimate Tensile Strength or UTS to overcome fatigue and friction. These things should also possess the appropriate torque values to prevent unnecessary wear.

Titanium fasteners are also used to make other sporting goods, such as materials necessary for camping, hiking, skiing, climbing, bows and arrows, and other outdoor activities. In the medical field, they are used for the production of various dental and surgical instruments and implants.

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