Titanium Pipes And Tubes Welding Information

While welding of other metals, such as aluminum, is a lot more common, welding of titanium is regarded as one of the most impressive. Remarkably stronger and lighter than other metals, titanium possesses the highest strength-to-weight ratio, making it widely used in the manufacture and fabrication of various materials today.

With its high corrosion resistance, lower repair and maintenance costs, and longer service lifespan, titanium is preferred by engineers in different military, chemical, aviation, nuclear, power generation, medical, maritime, and desalination applications.


To fabricate titanium, one of the processes that it has to go through is welding. Welding titanium tubes and pipes requires a Direct Current Electrode Negative (or DCEN) setting, so something like a transformer or any DC-capable power source will be needed.

Having a power source that has a range of around three to two hundred amps is preferred in the majority of titanium tubes and pipes welding tasks. This offers an outstanding range to effectively weld the metal.

To boost penetration, reduce the amount of heat entering, and improve arc stability, inverters with the appropriate pulsing capabilities and frequencies must be used.

Have a water- or air-cooled torch ready for post-weld treatment. Water-cooled torches provide greater comfort and better joint accessibility since they are smaller, but they are generally more expensive. Air-cooled torches cost less and are a little bit larger in size, and they are more frequently fitting for most titanium tubes and pipes welding applications.

Before you start welding the titanium tubes and pipes, do not forget to clean the filler metal and remove a bit of the end to expose the pure titanium portion. Take time to examine flaws or leaks on the shielding gas apparatus. Remember to utilize high frequency arc starting.

Once the welding is completed, look at the colors of the finished product. The acceptable colors range from silver to brown. If you see something green, blue, gray, and white, you will need to go back and study every step of the process to find where the contamination started in the welding process. That should help you get the right colors the next time you weld titanium pipes and tubes.

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